Pre-Purim Hamentashen

With Purim starting tonight, the kids are getting a special after-lunch treat today. Hamentashen! While these delicious treats, said to resemble the evil Haman’s hat or ears, depending on who you ask, are not normally so big, I tried a different recipe this year. I have no idea what possibly possessed me to do such a thing. Yesterday, when I was taking them out of the oven, while they smelled delicious, they turned out gigantic. I suppose I’ll claim that I’ll go with the hat theory this year, and claim that they’re life-size!

Tevye and Saarah were quite excited, as they are for all baked goods, but when they saw just how big they had turned out, their eyes were about as big as my ridiculous hamentashen.

Previously I had made them with an apricot/date filling, though this year I went with a poppy seed filling, as this is how I remember getting them in Israel. I wasn’t certain that the kids would enjoy them as much, but they have managed to keep the kids quiet, simultaneously, for upwards of 10 minutes! My goodness, they’re like little, poppy seed-filled miracles.

They assured me that they enjoy them, and just for fun, here’s a few pictures of just how much they like their Purim treats:

Wow guys, you’re digging the hamentashen, eh?

Really? How about you, Tevye? What do you think?

Well my goodness! There’s a boy who’s enjoying his treat.

Purim Somayach!

22 Responses to “Pre-Purim Hamentashen”
  1. Melissa says:

    They look soooooo good! I would love to find a recipe for hamentashen so I can try to make them with the kids!

    • This is the recipe I used last year, and it worked out really nicely. I made my own filling, and like I said, I used a date/apricot filling. I have no idea where the recipe went for it though. The dough was terrific with these ones though.
      Happy baking, and Purim Somayach

      • Bridget says:

        I made some hamantashen from that same recipe this year! I made some with poppy seeds, and then tried a few out with some blackberry currant jam and some with strawberry jelly. I don’t know if I didn’t pinch them well enough or if the jam and jelly were just too wet, but my corners didn’t stay nice on the jam and jelly ones and my pans were a bit of a mess afterwards 😛 My, ah, quality assurance checks assured me that they were all quite tasty, though! 😀 Have a joyous Purim!

      • I don’t know if you tried getting the edges wet before you pinched them, but it helps a bunch. I’ve also heard that if you freeze them before baking them it can help them keep their shape a bit better.

        Happy Purim!

  2. donna says:

    Well, you learn something new every day…I’d never heard of hamantashen before….they look yummy!

  3. I had to Google Purim (I had heard of it but didn’t know what it was about) and then I had to Google Hamentashen for a recipe 🙂
    They look sooo good and I personally would live to try the poppy seed filled ones. Where I live there are a lot of Ukrainians and they seem to like baking with poppy seeds and I have discovered that Poppy Seed Roll is REALLY yummy!!
    Happy Purim to you and your family

    • I discovered the Ukrainian love of poppy seeds while researching a good filling for these. I may have to try some more poppy seed-related recipes, especially since it turns out that I bought double the amount of poppy seeds that I needed.

      Happy Purim

  4. ruch says:

    Well I don’t know what festival/celebration it is , but for me it is holi(festival of colours) today! Guess the coincidence is related to annual seasonal change. Happy holi! 🙂

  5. Um . . . your Hamantaschen turned out a little better than mine (just a little!!):

  6. Lotus Mama says:

    They look great. Glad your kids liked them (they are so cute, btw). I had to Google the significance of Purim as well. Very interesting. Happy Purim!

  7. ahlterra says:

    Happy Purim! I’m glad to see the kids liked the Hamantashen! I didn’t make any this year, my kitchen is just far too small for the rolling and my fridge is just far too small for… everything.

    maybe next year (i love cherry pie filling in my hamantashen. Although I’m thinking lemon curd might be great too!)

  8. BLC says:

    they look amazing. When I worked in a Jewish hospital in Sydney, a lady used to make some doughy bread type treats that had onion and poppy seeds on them, nothing to do with Purim, but wondered if you recognize what they might be? I’ve never seen them anywhere or tasted anything like them. Hope your holiday is great, I listened to a documentary all about it this morning.

    • I believe I know what you’re referring to, though I cannot remember what it’s called. From what I’ve heard they’re quite good. If you figure it out, please let me know.

  9. christine says:

    Ten full minutes of quiet? Poppy-seed filled miracles, indeed!

    Hmm. I might have to try something along those lines.

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