Stay the Heck Out!

Come along, wont you, on a wonderful journey called a “tangent”. The best part of this one is that I don’t know if it can even be considered a tangent, due to the fact that I’m leading with it. Although,  if you think about it, I’m now on a tangent WHILE talking about tangents. Okay, … Continue reading

There’s No Man Singing

This morning I sat in front of the computer, determined to blog, I discovered that I was at a complete loss of what to write about. The more I scratch my head, trying desperately to come up with an idea, the more ideas seem to elude me. It’s similar to when you’re trying to sleep, … Continue reading

The Unacceptable Mermaid

Over the weekend there was an open house at the Tim Horton’s Camp in Tatamagouche, and a certain wife of mine thought it would be a good idea to go. I was somewhat hesitant, given that the afternoon would consist of a whole slew of poorly-behaved children, hopped up on timbits and ice cream, running … Continue reading

Photography of a Three-Year-Old – Part Two

If you’re just joining us here at “Musings”, or if you just want to go back and check out the first part in this series, you can view it here. Once again I was mostly unaware that Saarah had gained access to the camera while we were at Soccer Practice over the weekend, and once … Continue reading