Parkinson’s Disease Stinks

I suppose the title isn’t what most people would consider a revelation, or even an A-HA moment, but it’s true nonetheless(on a completely unrelated topic, I thoroughly enjoy the fact that “nonetheless” is one word. I get a kick out of writing it each and every time). In only a few short weeks a great … Continue reading

We Now Return to Regularly-Scheduled Blogging

I apologize for not blogging more in the past few weeks, but there have been numerous distractions. We had some guests with us for a few weeks, which was very nice. There was also the issue of the Giro d’Italia being broadcast at exactly the same time I’m normally sitting down to blog. Not only … Continue reading

Go Hesjedal Go!

The kids and I, and to a lesser extent Mama, have been watching the Giro d’Italia each and every morning. Aside from the fact that it’s a terrific three week, absolutely grueling bike race all over Italy, overshadowed in prestige only by the Tour de France, Ryder Hesjedal, from Victoria, BC, Canada was named Captain … Continue reading

You Can’t Win Everyday

When deciding to do this post, it was suggested to me that we could go outside today and the kids could ride their bikes while I take pictures. While this might seem like a good idea, due to the fact that I’m not feeling well, and it’s not overly warm outside, I’m going to take … Continue reading

Two Years in a Row?! A Follow-Up Piece to “Did We Move to the Arctic?”

This entry has absolutely nothing to do with my children. Not one darn thing. This one is all about me. In “Did We Move to the Arctic” I was lamenting the fact that I’ve only ever won once at our beloved Canadian tradition of Rrroll Up the Rim. Yesterday we were out at Tim Horton’s, … Continue reading